Trends in Vehicle Sales

Published On
December 12, 2022

OMVIC has identified trends in the automotive sector due to consumer complaints related to the increasingly high costs of motor vehicles in Ontario and the addition of mandatory fees and services.

This practice is having an increasingly negative impact on consumers who are already faced with intense economic pressures due to rising interest rates, the high cost of living and increasingly long wait times due to vehicle inventory shortages. It is also impacting the reputation of all those working in the automotive industry.

OMVIC would like to remind dealers and salespersons that they are required to adhere to a Code of Ethics. Certain actions can put dealers and salespersons at risk of breaching the Code of Ethics by engaging in unprofessional, dishonest or other improper behaviour and this could result in enforcement action.

Dealers are also reminded that the advertised vehicle price must include all fees and charges the dealer intends to collect from the consumer with the exception of HST and Licensing. Charging consumers mandatory fees and charges above the advertised price is a violation of the MVDA.


The Industry Standards & Conduct Department is available to assist dealers in achieving and maintaining compliance with the MVDA. Please contact the Industry Standards & Conduct Department at [email protected] or by calling 1-800-943-6002 and leave a message if you have any questions or concerns. Messages are returned in a priority sequence.