Survey: OMVIC Seeks Feedback from Salespersons

Published On
September 29, 2021

Please click the link below to complete a short survey that will explore how COVID-19 has continued to affect business operations in 2021. It will also ask for your feedback on other factors affecting the motor vehicle sales sector.

Your responses are anonymous and the survey should only take five minutes to complete. The survey closes on October 13, 2021, at 11:59 p.m.

Click here to complete the survey

Why should I participate?

In 2020, OMVIC distributed two surveys to registrants to learn about the challenges the industry was facing during the COVID-19 pandemic. This year’s survey asks about the ongoing effects of the pandemic and your outlook for the future. The data will help the Government of Ontario support the motor vehicle sales industry during Ontario’s economic recovery.

I completed last year’s surveys. Why should I do this again?

There have been significant changes to the way businesses operate within the past year. The survey will help us better understand what obstacles and opportunities the industry is facing so we can identify ways that we may be able to better support registrants.

If you have any questions, please contact Farah Mohammed, Manager, Industry and Stakeholder Relations, at

Your feedback and input are extremely valuable, and we thank you for your participation.