OMVIC launches exemptions guideline to support registrants

Published On
June 8, 2023

As the regulator of motor vehicle sales in Ontario, OMVIC registers both individuals and businesses engaged in motor vehicle trade, which is defined as buying, selling, leasing, advertising, or exchanging an interest in a motor vehicle. This also includes negotiating, inducing, or attempting to induce the buying, selling, leasing, or exchanging of an interest in a motor vehicle.

There are certain exemptions to the requirements for registration with OMVIC. This guideline is intended to provide a framework for understanding and complying with these regulations.

What does this guideline contain?

In summary, the exemptions guideline outlines:

  • Individuals that are exempt from the requirement to register with OMVIC
  • The types of business activities exempt entities are allowed to carry out
  • What they’re required to do to maintain their exemptions, and
  • What can happen if they fail to meet those requirements.

OMVIC will be hosting an informational webinar to address any questions or comments on Wednesday, July 12th at 1:00 p.m. Click here to register through Zoom.

Note: This information was created to assist dealers/salespeople and is not a legal document. Registrants are encouraged to obtain independent legal advice.


The Industry Standards & Conduct Department is available to assist dealers in achieving and maintaining compliance with the MVDA. Please contact the Industry Standards & Conduct Department at [email protected] or by calling 1-800-943-6002 and leave a message if you have any questions or concerns. Messages are returned in a priority sequence.