OMVIC launches dealer inquiries guideline to support registrants

Published On
November 2, 2022

OMVIC’s Industry Standards & Conduct Department and registration team are available to assist dealers in achieving and maintaining compliance with the MVDA and Code of Ethics through education and guidance. As a result, OMVIC has released a guideline that provides registrants greater clarity as to when they should contact either the Industry Standards & Conduct Department or registration, depending on their issue, and how to do so.

OMVIC worked with registrants to assess what guidance they need to ensure they understand the resources and tools available to them. This guideline reflects the input received. It is designed to clarify and reiterate the purpose and functions of each department as it relates to registrants.

What does this guideline contain?

In summary, the dealer inquiries guideline states:

  • The departmental roles and responsibilities of dealer support and registration
  • The current legislation and regulations
  • Contact information for both departments

OMVIC will be hosting an informational webinar to address any questions or comments on Monday, November 7th from 11:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Click here to register through Zoom.

Note: This information was created to assist dealers/salespeople and is not a legal document. Registrants are encouraged to obtain independent legal advice.


The Industry Standards & Conduct Department is available to assist dealers in achieving and maintaining compliance with the MVDA. Please contact the Industry Standards & Conduct Department at [email protected] or by calling 1-800-943-6002 and leave a message if you have any questions or concerns. Messages are returned in a priority sequence.