If the registrar believes a dealer or salesperson has violated the Code of Ethics (CoE) they may be issued a notice of complaint, which will outline the alleged violations.
The CoE is included in the MVDA. Each dealer and salesperson must embrace the demanding standards detailed within the code and agree to adhere to its language and intent. It is designed to protect Ontario’s consumers, as well as create a level playing field for dealers and salespeople and outlines a range of important values and requirements.
Recipients of a notice of complaint who don’t dispute the allegations it contains may be able to negotiate a settlement by way of an Agreed Statement of Facts and Penalty.
A recipient who disagrees with the allegations contained in a notice of complaint has the right to have the matter heard before the Discipline Tribunal. This is a three person panel (made up of dealers and salespersons and non-industry representatives of the public). The committee will hear evidence, decide whether the allegations are founded and if so, decide on an appropriate penalty. They can order a fine of up to $25,000 per party and mandatory education courses.
The MVDA requires OMVIC to make all discipline decisions available to the public.
Depending on the type of offence and circumstances of the case, a dealer or salesperson may be subject to one or more of the three types of enforcement proceedings.
This enforcement approach involves violations of the MVDA or CPA under the Provincial Offences Act.
Registration can be rejected, suspended or revoked or have conditions applied through LAT
Read an overview of the three types of enforcement actions
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If you have questions related to compliance with the MVDA contact our Industry Standards & Conduct Department.