Amendments to O. Reg. 333/08 “General” under the MVDA

Published On
July 16, 2024

After consultations, the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement has moved forward amendments to the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act (MVDA).  

Please see below for the announced amendments: 

As of July 1, 2024: 

  • Motor vehicle dealers and salespersons are no longer required to return their registration certificates when they cease to be registered. 
  • Registrants have 30 days to provide warranty documents and payments to warranty sellers. 
  • Registrants are required to include contact information that the registrant chooses (rather than a business telephone number) in advertisements, provided that the same contact information is published on OMVIC’s public database of registrants. 
  • Cross-appointments between OMVIC’s Board of Directors and the Motor Vehicle Dealers Compensation Fund (MVDCF) Board of Trustees are prohibited. 

Provisions that are related to the transition from the outdated Motor Vehicle Dealers Act have been removed from the general regulation

 As of January 1, 2025: 

  • The required Canadian Motor Vehicle Arbitration Plan (CAMVAP) statements will be simplified, and registrants will be required to include a general statement on CAMVAP in all contracts. 

As of January 1, 2026: 

  • OMVIC’s registrar will have the authority to mandate new educational requirements for dealers and salespersons to complete before the renewal of their registration. It is anticipated that these educational requirements will be announced in 2025 and effective Spring 2026.

The amending regulation is now available on the Ontario e-Laws website. 

The Ministry is evaluating next steps regarding additional proposals from its consultation paper. Further regulatory and legislative proposals may be brought forward to continue reducing burden and enhancing consumer protection in the sector. 

OMVIC is currently updating all relevant documents to provide dealer registrants with essential resources that reflect the latest amendments to the MVDA. This will ensure you have the necessary tools and knowledge to comply with the new regulatory amendments.  

OMVIC will be hosting an informational webinar on Friday, July 26 at 11:00 a.m. to address any questions or comments you may have. 

Click here to register through Zoom. 

For any questions regarding compliance with the new amendments, please contact OMVIC’s Industry Standards & Conduct Department at [email protected] or call 1-800-943-6002 Ext. 4.